Thune Won’t Run for President

South Dakota Senator John Thune said Tuesday in a statement he will not seek the Republican nomination for President in 2012. Thune’s name had been floated as the sole sitting senator who might make a run. After beating Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle in 2003, Thune has quickly climbed the Senate ranks. He currently serves as chairman …

At CPAC, It’s Evening In America

The heirs to Ronald Reagan’s conservative legacy gathered Thursday in a hotel ballroom to exchange variations on the dominant theme in today’s Republican politics: It is evening in America.

“The Germans are buying the New York Stock Exchange,” announced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. “The U.S. is becoming the laughing …

In A Boost For George Allen, Sen. Jim Webb Will Not Run Again

Former Virginia Governor and Senator George Allen, a Republican, is now the clear front runner to reclaim his seat in the U.S. Senate in 2012. His onetime rival, Democrat Jim Webb, has decided not to seek reelection, which will force Virginia Democrats to begin casting around for a replacement candidate. The obvious choice is Tim Kaine, …

The Pragmatic Republican Primary

A few days back, I wrote a blog post arguing that the country’s new centrist mood might provide a narrow window to the GOP nomination for a moderate like Jon Huntsman, who can still check off the key pro-gun and pro-life boxes. The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin was one of several bloggers to

Kay Bailey Hutchison Calls It Quits

The three-term Senator from Texas announced today that she won’t seek reelection after-all. From the Houston Chronicle:

In an open letter to Texans, Hutchison said she wanted to live “full-time in Texas with my family” and was “forever grateful for the privilege of working for you in the United States Senate.”

“I intended to

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