In the Washington Post today, screw-loose wingnut extraordinaire John Bolton has a column in which he advocates an Israeli strike against Iran. This would be shocking, except that…
On June 26, Bolton had an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times in which he advocated bombing Iran. And, well, er…
On June 12, he had an op-ed in the Wall …
Following up on Joe’s post.
In a brief interview with the New York Times yesterday Obama said he’s considering a trip to Iraq when he secures the nomination. This seemed to bow to GOP pressure after the RNC started a clock on its website counting the days Obama hasn’t been to Iraq (872) and McCain lambasted Obama for not accepting …
Obama this morning addressed the Communications Workers of America’s annual conference in Washington. He gave his usual spiel to unions highlighting his opposition to the war in Iraq, his credentials to take on lobbyists and his days as a community organizer in Chicago. The 600,000-member CWA has yet to endorse a candidate and Hillary …
He’s for Clinton. He’s for Obama. He’s for Clinton. He’s not saying. And, wait, yup, he’s for Obama.
John Lewis FINALLY makes up his mind, telling the Atlanta Constitution Journal that neither Clinton nor Obama are returning his calls at this point.
“I did it because I felt I had to support Mrs. Clinton because of our friendship,”
At a Washington DC breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor this morning reporters did their utmost to get Clinton senior advisor Harold Ickes to admit the campaign has failed to meet even their own goals laid out in near daily conference calls since Super Tuesday.* Ickes played the expectations game like a maestro.
One …
Obama this morning held a press conference with reporters in Los Angeles where he made it clear that he believes that the increasingly likely candidacy of Senator John McCain in the GOP race will help Obama win the Democratic contest. Obama made his case on two fronts. First, that his early opposition to the war in Iraq is much more …
Hilary will skip South Carolina most of the week, according to this nice scoop from the New York Observer, in order to campaign in California, Arizona, New Mexico, New Jersey and New York, all February 5th states.
The campaign isn’t totally abandoning the South Carolina, apparently Bill and Chelsea will be here tomorrow. But, clearly, …
When Obama invoked the specter of Cesar Chavez this week in a rally with the Culinary Workers Union in Nevada by proclaiming “Si Se Puede!” — Chavez’s legendary rallying cry — I was surprised. After all, the United Farm Workers, Chavez’s organization, had endorsed Hillary in May.
So I called an old acquaintance from college, …
But settles for Dancing with the Stars instead.
When asked about which reality show she’d participate in while appearing on the Tyra Banks Show (Banks also host’s America’s Next top Model) Hillary said:
In my dreams I would be on America’s Next Top Model but in reality I would have to choose my limited talents and of them dancing
In an unusual pre-emptive conference call with reporters the Obama campaign today defended his series of “present” votes on abortion measures in the Illinois State Senate.
The votes were actually part of a strategy developed by Planned Parenthood to stop Republican attacks on pro-choice candidates. “We had a very astute and devious …