North Korea carried through on its threat to null the Korean War armistice, and cut off the Red Cross hotline linking the two Koreas…
Drone Monopoly: Hope You Enjoyed It While It Lasted
The Pakistani government may have been behind the drone killing of two senior al Qaeda leaders, putting into question America’s hold on the most effective “war on terror” weapon.
Decision Making, Lite
Why is President Obama making military decisions with so little military input?
The Sequester Hath Cometh…
The U.S. military can and should shrug off the slings and arrows of political incompetence.
So Just How Wounded is Hagel?
TIME’s Mark Thompson goes on PBS to discuss the new Defense Secretary.
Putting China’s “Hacking Army” into Perspective
We can mistake China’s hacks for “power” and “confidence” and “aggression,” but it’s mostly about a nation running on fear.
Vetting the 34,000
When you’re making a decision that many in the military will not like, such as removing 34,000 troops from Afghanistan, it’s best to keep it closely held until it becomes fait accompli during the State of the Union address.
General John Allen Salutes…His Wife
Marine General John Allen told President Obama on Tuesday he would rather retire from the U.S. military than become Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, one of the top posts in the U.S. military.
Pentagon Budgetary Hat Trickery
The sky-is-falling game is now fully underway when it comes to the more than $500 billion in Pentagon budget cuts slated to begin March 1.
Thin Ice on Blood and Treasure
Some members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have warned that the sequester will cause troops and civilians to die. Mixing – confusing — this blood and treasure leads to a slippery slope.
Afghan Endgame
No longer any point in pretending. The U.S. is in such a rush to pull out of Afghanistan, it’ll risk the sacrifice of 2,086 U.S. troops and more than a half-trillion dollars to put the “graveyard of empires” in its rear-view mirror.
Was bin Laden’s Killer “Screwed” by the U.S. Government?
The unnamed SEAL who claims to have killed bin Laden has been kicking up a lot of dust over his claim that the government has tossed him overboard.
Just Who Do They Represent? At Hagel Hearing, Concern for Israel Tops U.S. Troops in Combat
Battleland contributor Brandon Friedman argues that Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearing to become the next Secretary of Defense posed a perfect time to discuss the future of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the fate of U.S. troops …