
Healing Bobby, A Red Border Film

Bobby Henline was the sole survivor of a roadside bombing in Iraq. A third of his body was burned. Now a stand-up comedian, he has turned pain into humor and hope

Memorial Day in Oklahoma City

I spent Memorial Day weekend with Team Rubicon, the great veterans disaster relief organization. We fought the battle of SW 7th Street in Moore, Oklahoma.

The Mission Continues

I spent last weekend watching 73 recent veterans, most of them wounded, begin a 6-month public service fellowship, sponsored by The Mission Continues, the excellent program run by former Navy SEAL, Rhodes Scholar and Time 100 …

Wounded Vets Helping in Boston

I spent the morning yesterday with John Wordin, the founder of Ride2Recovery–the excellent bicycle racing therapy program for wounded veterans. He told me that several of his members, who are amputees, were in the Boston …