Kurt DelBene to take over repairs of HealthCare.gov
Health Care
More Obamacare Deadlines Extended
Administration looks to avoid having fewer people with insurance in 2014 than before the law’s troubled implementation
Sebelius Says Americans Should ‘Come Back’ To HealthCare.gov
Top health care official said performance of website now ‘night and day compared to where we were back in October’
Health Care Enrollment Picks Up Steam As Troubled Website Recovers
Obama administration still hopes to reach ambitious enrollment goals
Sebelius Seeks Probe of Flawed Health Care Rollout
‘The launch of HealthCare.gov was flawed and simply unacceptable’
Fact Check: Did Obama and Sebelius Only Meet in Person Once?
A column in Politico magazine today makes the astonishing claim that President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had just one in-person meeting at the White House between March 23, 2010, the day the …
Obama Launches New Push To Sell Healthcare Law: ‘We’re Not Going Back’
An effort to restart the political conversation around ‘Obamacare’
HealthCare.gov No Longer a Complete Fail
Enrollment counselors on the front lines praise fixes to the federal health website, but that doesn’t mean more people are signing up
Obama Administration: ‘We Have Met the Goal’ of Fixing Website
When a White House faces a political crisis, one of the first decisions presidential aides must make is when to get its side of the story out. Too early, and the Administration comes off as evasive or dislocated from the issue. …
Obamacare Website Overhaul Promises to Accommodate 90% of Users
But officials won’t say how many will actually be able to complete enrollment
No Thanksgiving Celebrations for Obamacare Website Team as Deadline Nears
The technology team working to fix computer problems hobbling the federal insurance website HealthCare.gov may not have time for turkey this week. Federal officials set a Nov. 30 deadline to expand hardware capacity and fix …
Cartoon Claims Obamacare Will Give Men STDs because Women Can Afford Birth Control Now
An anti-Obamcare cartoon posted on the website Comically Incorrect claims that men will get more sexually transmitted diseases from “women who now get free birth control” thanks to the health care reform law.
The cartoon shows …
November ‘Surge’ in Obamacare Enrollment
More than 200,000 people have signed up, researchers with the Commonwealth Fund said