Over the past six months, dozens of leading GOP operatives and politicians have listened to public opinion and decided their 2012 platform is, indeed, “moss-covered”
Gay Marriage
What’s Behind Obama’s Latest Evolution on Gay Marriage
Although the President was directly involved in the government’s choice to enter the Prop 8 case, he is curiously silent on expanding the California ruling to states that don’t allow civil unions.
Gay Controversies Tempered as National Prayer Breakfast Returns
President Obama will offer his first major remarks to America’s faith community since he announced his support for gay marriage last May
Same-Sex Marriage: Army’s Not Budging
Last week, the Marines made it clear that its spouses’ clubs could not discriminate against same-sex couples. Wednesday, the Army said: not so fast.
Gay Marriage Won’t Decide the Presidential Election, but It’s on the Ballot
Over the weekend, Gov. Jerry Brown made California the first state to ban “conversion therapy” for teens, the same kind of “pray the gay away” therapy that Rep. Michele Bachmann husband’s clinic has been accused of practicing. And the Supreme Court may soon put gay marriage in the national spotlight by hearing cases on the …
In Tampa, Pro-Gay Marriage Republicans Worry Their Party Is Out of Touch
When Sarah Longwell came to the podium in a downtown Tampa suite, she held up a full-page ad in Wednesday’s Tampa Tribune showcasing same-sex couples. It was a $20,000 rebuke of the Republican party paid for by …
Obama’s Persuasive Powers on Gay Marriage Manifest in Maryland
When President Obama endorsed gay marriage earlier this month, the media grappled with two basic political questions: Was his personal “evolution” a case of a politician transparently following a national trend toward accepting …
Obama Endorses Gay Marriage: ‘I Think Same-Sex Couples Should Be Able to Get Married’
President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced his support for gay marriage, becoming the first sitting U.S. President to endorse equal status for same-sex couples and responding to building pressure to clarify his position as his …
Obama’s Gay Marriage Conundrum
When Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan expressed support for gay marriage in recent days, their candor underlined the calculated approach their boss has taken on the topic. As a candidate, Barack Obama …
Why a New York Republican Cast the Decisive Vote for Gay Marriage
The battle to bring marriage equality to New York was fought by some unlikely heroes. The bill’s champion, Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, didn’t support gay marriage until 2006, long after predecessors from his party. Ken …
After New York: The (Near) Future of Gay Marriage
The New York state legislature’s passage of the Marriage Equality Act was the third landmark victory in six months for the gay-rights movement, following the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in December and the Obama …
Barack Obama Still Dancing On Head Of Gay Marriage Pin
President Obama attended a fundraiser in New York Thursday night with one of the most important factions of his big money base: Gay donors. With gay marriage headed toward legalization in New York state, the issue of Obama’s …