
Is the Mac Back?

Senator John McCain is heading to the White House as I type this to meet with President Obama. I have a story out in this week’s dead tree edition, out early here, on the rapprochement of the former rivals as both trek back to the political center.

Could the Senate Flip in 2012?

In the last three out of five elections one or both of the chambers of Congress has flipped. Are the waves over? And even if they are, could Dems lose the Senate in 2012 anyway?

On the face of it, Democrats have a tough cycle ahead of them. They hold the Senate with 53 seats right now, meaning Republicans only need to flip four to …

Senate Dems to Test New Comity with Judicial Nominations

On the day he died, Judge John Roll was waiting to speak with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords about getting an additional judge added to the 9th Circuit Court in Arizona. Giffords had been trying to help Roll deal with the massive backlog facing the state’s federal courts. Roll’s death will only worsen the judicial log jam as Arizona grapples …

Morning Must Reads: SOTU


–There’s a bit of State of the Union over-saturation going on, but my impressions were that it largely accomplished what such speeches are intended to: It expressed President Obama’s priorities in vague enough terms that few feathers were ruffled or cages rattled. From a policy …

The Democrats’ Connecticut Conundrum Retires

“The reason I have decided not to run for re-election in 2012 is best expressed in the wise words from Ecclesiastes,” Joe Lieberman told the gathered crowd Wednesday afternoon in a hotel ballroom in Stamford, Connecticut. “‘To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.'” For many Democrats, Lieberman’s …

Morning Must Reads: Inward

President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China have dinner in the White House on Jan. 18. (White House/Pete Souza)

Austin Ramzy writes that despite the grand language of cooperation requisite in a state visit, domestic concerns are likely to push Hu and Obama inward in the near future:

While the two sides will put on a bright

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