The Senate’s number two Democrat says a GOP leader said something nasty to Obama during the shutdown. The White House says it never happened. They can’t both be right.
Pelosi Predicts Boehner’s Job Is Safe
‘At long last he has done the right thing’
Some Good News For Shutdown-Weary Republicans
Silver linings for the GOP
House GOP Tells ‘Values Voters’ Democrats are to Blame for Shutdown
Members of the House of Representatives, who sparked the government shutdown through fervent opposition to the Affordable Care Act, used the opening day of the Values Voter Summit as an opportunity to rouse right-wing citizens …
White House: ‘Listening And Talking’ With Republicans, But Not Negotiating
After two days of meetings with congressional Republicans, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that President Barack Obama is not negotiating with the GOP.
Obama Signs Bill To Restore Military Death Benefits
His first stopgap funding measure of the shutdown
Boehner Pushes Short-Term Debt Ceiling Fix
An attempt to end the Washington impasse
Congress Prepares To Kick The Can. Again.
In six days, the federal government will find itself not just shut down, but on the brink of default, and Washington is stumbling its way toward a familiar solution: a short-term reprieve from both fiscal crises. But there is …
D.C. Protests as Shutdown Suffering Continues
Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia’s delegate in Congress, found herself in a pickle Wednesday morning, stuck between her colleagues and a crowd of her constituents.
The Man Who Invented the Government Shutdown
How Jimmy Carter’s attorney general changed congressional budget showdowns forever
Senate Chaplain Calls Out Congress for Denying Death Benefits to Soldiers Killed in Combat
“It’s time for our lawmakers to say enough is enough,” said Barry Black in his morning prayer
Budget Committee Chair: President Must Negotiate To Prevent Debt Crisis
Paul Ryan says Obama’s refusal to compromise is the reason for the impasse
Harry Reid’s Vine Sums Up Why the Government Shutdown May Never End
The Senate Majority Leader shows not only that he has a sense of humor, but also that he’s hip to Twitter’s trendy six-second video format