Sarah Palin says she’s not (yet) running for President. But her week long “learning” bus tour of historical sites just happens to end in the politically important first primary state of New Hampshire where she just happens …
Sarah Palin
She’s Back: Sarah Palin Returns to the Spotlight
With the media chasing Sarah Palin’s tour bus up the East Coast and buzz about her presidential prospects renewed, TIME’s Feifei Sun looks at the former Alaska governor’s exploits on the trail in 2011
The Palin Road Trip Diaries: Coffee With ‘Real Americans,’ Pizza With Donald Trump
Stops: 4 — Gettysburg National Civil War Park, coffee in Dillsburg, Penn., the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and Famous Famiglia Pizzeria in New York City
Miles: 239
Tanks of gas: 1
Number of Palin sightings: 3
Palin and Trump Meet Tonight
Will they be discussing politics? I doubt it. Not sure either one is very interested in politics, aside from its self-promotional possibilities. I mean, think of what these two really have in common, aside from shamelessness: Reality TV. Can Celebrity Apprentice: Alaska be on the agenda?
And so, a contest: What else will these two …
On the Road With Sarah Palin: A Conversation at Gettysburg
When Sarah Palin was a child, her parents would pile their four kids in the car and take road trips across Alaska and Canada. “In our old car that the front door didn’t open and we all had to climb over the back seat,” …
Palin Plays Hard to Get
Almost any politician in the U.S. follows tried and true patterns when dealing with the media. They alert the media of an upcoming event, the media shows up, photos are taken, cameras roll. Sometimes questions follow. And then …
Sarah Palin 2012: Will She or Won’t She?
For much of 2010, Sarah Palin kept the media whipped into a frenzied state over one question: Will she or won’t she run for President? Reporters picked apart every move from pragmatic candidate endorsements in early primary …
Sarah Palin’s “Learning” Tour: A Revolutionary Road Trip?
At the annual Rolling Thunder event in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, Sarah Palin will kick off a week-long tour of U.S. historical sites. She will be accompanied by her husband Todd and daughter Piper. “The tour will originate in …
Palin’s Arizona Headquarters?
Arizona’s rocky red deserts are certainly a long way from Lake Lucille in Wasilla, Alaska. But, if the reports are true, it looks like Sarah & Todd Palin may have just bought themselves a new second home.
Five Reasons Not to Count Sarah Palin Out for 2012
The conventional wisdom inside the Beltway is that Sarah Palin’s relatively low profile means she’s peaked, she’s over, she’s not running for President. I’m not so sure. In fact, I think all signs point to Palin laying …
Palin’s Parents: Sleeping with Guns
BBC’s premier news magazine program, Newsnight, has a story out today on Sarah Palin (full disclosure, I was interviewed for it). They went up to Alaska where they interviewed Palin and, more interestingly, her parents. I wish I could embed the video, but, alas, BBC doesn’t allow it. So here’s the link. Palin’s parents, Sally & Chuck …
Has Obama Lost Wall Street and Business Donors?
Four years ago, I did a story about how three “pioneers,” or top bundlers for President George W. Bush, were giving money to Barack Obama.
[Madison Dearborn Partners founder and then deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago John] Canning says he’s fed up with the Republican Party. “It’s become a party that’s taken
Is Santorum Sexist?
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, who is exploring a bid for the Republican nomination, told S.E. Cupp, who hosts an online radio show on Glenn Beck’s website, that Sarah Palin is skipping CPAC because of her “business opportunities” and “other responsibilities” such as raising her five children.
“I don’t live in Alaska …