The younger Paul is on the rise and on message.
Republican Party
The Gentlemen from Kentucky: Inside the Partnership of Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell
The symbiotic relationship between Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul is a key to both senators’ political futures.
Why Republicans Are Saying ‘I Do’ to Gay Marriage
Over the past six months, dozens of leading GOP operatives and politicians have listened to public opinion and decided their 2012 platform is, indeed, “moss-covered”
Consultants in Conservative Crosshairs As GOP Brass Calls For Reforms
Karl Rove, the “Architect” behind George W. Bush’s political ascendance, leads the list of Republican veterans that firebrand conservatives wish to eliminate from the party.
Committee to Save the GOP: Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Become Inclusive to Gays or Keep Losing
The Republican Party will release a report today that provides the blueprint for how it must adapt from its 2012 electoral defeat
RNC Searches Silicon Valley For CTO
After Obama’s crack team trounced Mitt Romney’s efforts on the web, the Republican Party has decided to get a technological makeover.
GOProud Founder Mulls Senate Bid in South Carolina
If elected, Bruce Carroll would be the first openly gay Republican Senator.
Grand Elderly Party
All this talk of rebranding and rethinking is more a marketing exercise than a soul-search. Still, there is some interesting and substantial thinking about policy going on within the GOP.
Republican Consultants Plot New Tech-Savvy Infrastructure
Republicans develop a four-step plan to train and nurture the next generation of campaign operatives
Party, Heal Thyself
How to fix my GOP.
A Day in the Life of the Republican Party’s Search for Newness
Losing a presidential election can focus the collective mind, but the individuals involved can have minds of their own.
The Visiting Republicans and the Sequester
The GOP is benefiting from a bevy of camera-ready, energetic national governors to help carry the fight to the White House on sequestration.
The Sequester and the GOP’s Wobbly ‘Stool’
In many ways the showdown underway in Washington over the budget sequester is complicated and confusing. But on one level is it clarifying: It has revealed the supremacy of the Republican Party’s economic wing over its other key factions.