Karen Tumulty

Articles from Contributor

Re: Harlem Politics

Okay, not so golden, then.

So what should we call it, Joe? Bronze? Brass? Whatever the metal in their currency, these were names who will go down in history for the fact that they succeeded in opening doors to power that had always been closed before to blacks. And that’s why I think it is so depressing to see it come to this.

Health Reform: A Prisoner’s Dilemma

Just about anyone who has ever taken an economics course has probably heard of a game theory exercise known as “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” It’s worth thinking about as we look at the agonizing decision that wavering House members are about to make on health care reform–which may well be the most treacherous vote that many of them will have to …

Sarah Palin: Author! Author!

You can’t argue with success, especially in an industry as depressed as the book-publishing business. With Sarah Palin having sold 2.2 million copies of her first book (so far), HarperCollins this morning announced she’s writing another one for them. Here’s how they describe her second endeavor as an author:

Sarah Palin’s new

When A Hard Vote Ends A Political Career

As the House prepares for its final push on health care, there are Democratic members, particularly those from conservative districts, who are facing a hard truth: This is the kind of vote that can end a career.

I’ve found myself thinking a lot lately about one of the most extraordinary spectacles I have ever witnessed in the House …

Health Care: Obama Adopts A Good Idea From The GOP

President Obama picked up a good idea from the Republicans at last week’s health care summit, one that will add a badly needed dose of fiscal reality to the health care bill. What’s more, this Republican idea will improve the lives of tens of millions of poor people.

It has to do with the dramatic expansion of Medicaid that is …

Robert Byrd: Make Them Filibuster

How could I have missed this? The ultimate master of Senate procedure is now arguing the case:

“Senators are obliged to exercise their best judgment when invoking their right to extended debate,” Byrd said. ” They should also be obliged to actually filibuster — that is, go to the floor and talk, instead of finding less strenuous

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