Jay Newton-Small

Jay Newton-Small is Washington correspondent for TIME. Born in New York, she spent time growing up in Asia, Australia and Europe following her vagabond United Nations parents. A graduate of Tufts University and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism, Jay previously covered politics for Bloomberg News. And, yes, despite the misleading name SHE is a she.

Articles from Contributor

The Man Behind the Curtain

Obama Campaign Plane
We’re on the ground in Chicago waiting for the good senator, who was up late working on his convention speech, to surface this morning to head to Eau Claire. In the meantime, here’s an exclusive profile I did on the man behind the curtain in Denver. I don’t envy Matt his job. A lot of what will make or break the …

Dispatches from Springfield III

Chicago, Illinois
My story on the day’s events. Tomorrow we go to church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin followed by a picnic at the somewhat politically named Rod and Gun Park. I’m unsure if we’ll actually see Obama with a gun or a rod, but BBQ is promised.

Dispatches from Springfield II

Springfield, Illinois
Okay, seems I was wrong about the crowd size. We’re told there’s 35,000 people here. Obama had a bit of a slip of the tongue introducing Biden. “The next president… The next vice president of the United States!” The crowd laughed. Biden, I’m told accepted the offer on the call Thursday night. There’s …

Dispatches from Springfield I

Springfield, Illinois
We just arrived at the state capitol. We’re told Biden is en route and on the plane Obama spokeswoman Linda Douglass told us that Obama called Biden Thursday night to offer him the job

It is literally 90 degrees warmer than it was on February 10, 2007. The lectern’s all set up with the new Obama/Biden logo. …

Dark Horses

Chicago, Illinois
Reading the tea leaves on Obama’s stops en route to Denver (Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Davenport, Iowa; Kansas City, Missouri; Billings, Montana) yields a couple of Dark Horses candidates: Dick Gephardt* of Missouri and my favorite, Brian Schweitzer of Montana. Their families have already met, remember that photogenic July 4 …

Now Who’s Effete?

Chester, Virginia
Obama today at a “discussion on the economy” here latched on to McCain’s recent comments to Politico when asked about the number of houses McCain has.

John McCain was asked recently: How many houses do you have?
And he said, “I’m not sure I’ll have to check with my staff.” True quote he said, “I’m not sure

Obama’s Veep Trial Balloons

Two weeks ago it was – STOP THE PRESSES!!! – Tim Kaine. Last week it was Bayh, Bayh, Bayh. This week’s flavor is Biden, strengthened by his trip to Georgia at Saakashvili’s request. Anyone notice that camp Obama has been floating trial balloons on all of these veep wannabes, quietly trying them on for size in the press? So what …

Rick Warren Preview

For the 0.2% of America that won’t be watching Michael Phelps swim tomorrow night (or, actually have lives and are out on the town) and tune into Rick Warren’s forum with the candidates, here’s a nice preview from our colleague Amy Sullivan.

Invesco — Don’t bring These Items

The convention just put out this list of banned items for Investco Invesco field. Some of these seem like, um, no brainers. Because, you know, I often bring hazardous radiological material with me to political speeches.

Those attending are advised that the list of items not allowed on-site includes but is not limited to:

• Outside

Re: Obama’s Shortened Veep List

The convention folks just put out a list of Wednesday speakers (release after jump) that would seem to either knock three of the top contenders out or make the case that someone’s going to be speaking twice. Noticeably absent from a line up of veterans and foreign policy experts are Reed, Clark and Kerry.

An updated list:

Sebelius (

Obama’s Tax Plan

In a WSJ editorial this morning Obama economic advisors Jason Furman and Austan Goolsbee unveiled details of Obama’s economic plan. It contained some surprises (capital gains of 20%, not 25% as had been widely assumed). And at least one provision that the GOP latched onto as detrimental to marriage (Obama would raise taxes on couples …

Obama’s Shortened Veep List

As we learn more and more about the speakers at the Democratic convention — a brilliant PR move on behalf of the Obama campaign that has kept the press lapping up the details like my dog begs for Puperoni – it occurs to me that, unless someone speaks twice, the announcements are whittling down Obama’s veep shortlist. Here’s a list …

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