Joe Klein

Joe Klein is TIME's political columnist and author of six books, most recently Politics Lost. His weekly TIME column, "In the Arena," covers national and international affairs. In 2004 he won the National Headliner Award for best magazine column.

Articles from Contributor

In the Arena In the Arena

Seal Team Six

I’ve been trying to figure out how best to celebrate and mourn the members of Seal Team Six and our Afghan allies who were shot down in a Chinook helicopter last week. Hugh Hewitt does it well here. And I would add: those who would see this tragedy as another opportunity to make political points, on either side–please don’t. Not that …

In the Arena In the Arena

Lame Obama

I suspect that this piece by Drew Westen is going to cause a ruckus. Certainly, it will crystallize the concern in the Democratic Party about Barack Obama. A lot of us have been picking around the edges of the problem of Obama’s curiously unsatisfying presidency–I’ve written more than twice about the President’s failure to directly take …

In the Arena In the Arena

Standard & Poor’s Downgrades Itself

Given its fabulously incompetent and quite possibly corrupt performance in the events leading up to the 2008 financial collapse, it takes a fair amount of chutzpah for Standard and Poor’s to downgrade US treasuries, especially after the debt ceiling deal proved that back-against-the-wall compromise can still be had in American politics, …

In the Arena In the Arena

You Remember Libya

While Washington was dealing with the absolutely crucial debt ceiling waste of time, the world has remained in business…or, perhaps, in chaos. Libya, for example. No sooner did the primary western countries, including the U.S., recognize the Libyan rebel “government,” than did that government start fracturing. A military leader was …

In the Arena In the Arena


Right now, as I write this, CNN is interviewing Donald Trump about the debt ceiling deal. This is the same dude who pulled everyone’s chain last spring, “running” for President to boost his reality-show’s rating, by saying some of the most outlandish stuff imaginable about the President. And CNN is consulting him as someone who might …

In the Arena In the Arena

Profile in Cowardice: Mitt Romney Rejects the Debt Deal

Mitt Romney demonstrates, yet again, why he lacks the character for higher office:

“As President, my plan would have produced a budget that was cut, capped and balanced – not one that opens the door to higher taxes and puts defense cuts on the table. President Obama’s leadership failure has pushed the economy to the brink at the

In the Arena In the Arena

Krugman Quibble

I agree with most of what Paul Krugman has to say about the debt deal–with one crucial exception. He’s right that Obama should have included raising the debt ceiling in last December’s tax deal…but he’s wrong, I think, about the President using what we’ll call “constitutional means”–the 14th Amendment–to blow past this silly, …

In the Arena In the Arena

Tea or Sanity

Well, this was one of the more exhilarating days of legislative politics we’ve had in quite some time. The Senate’s Gang of Six came up with the deal everyone thought impossible–upwards of $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade, a mix of spending cuts and revenue increases with some very attractive tax reform thrown in. …

In the Arena In the Arena

The Bum Economy, Explained

David Leonhardt does his usual excellent job explaining why the economy is lagging: People are still more concerned about working down their debts than in buying new things (and running up new debts). As candidate Barack Obama told me in October, 2008, “The easy credit economy is over and we have to find what’s going to drive the …

In the Arena In the Arena

A Party or A Cult?

Mark Blumenthal has put together an array of polling that shows the influence of the Tea Party on the Republican Party. The bottom line spells dark times for reasonable conservatives. The Tea Party represents a critical mass of Republican primary votes, and a distinct minority of the general electorate. This means one thing short-term …

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