Massimo Calabresi

Massimo Calabresi joined the Washington bureau of TIME in 1999 and has covered the CIA, State, Justice, Treasury, Congress and the White House. He covered the wars in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo as TIME's Central Europe bureau chief from 1995 to 1999 and the collapse of the Soviet Union as a freelancer in Moscow in 1991.

Articles from Contributor

Hamas and Fatah: The Wedding That Mattered

The most important marriage of the week was in Palestine, not London. True, the odds of a lasting relationship between the internationally recognized leaders of the Palestinians, Fatah, and the internationally designated terrorist group, Hamas, aren’t great—it’s not clear whether the union will actually be consummated. But even a …

After Gates: Obama’s New Security Team

It was never going to be easy for Obama to watch Robert Gates walk out of the Pentagon and back into private life. Over two and a half years, Gates has provided impenetrable political air cover for a series of extremely difficult national security decisions, from the surge in Afghanistan to repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Gates’ …

Air Traffic Controllers: Let Them Nap

The next time TIME’s D.C. Bureau Chief Michael Duffy catches me sleeping at my desk, the top sheet of an National Transportation Safety Board report stuck to my face, I’ll be ready with a response: I was increasing my work performance and alertness—significantly.

Geithner: Bad News is Good News

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner appeared this morning on several shows to spin yesterday’s market-rattling S&P downgrade of the U.S. economic outlook. The causes of the downgrade–the soaring deficit, groaning national debt, and political disagreement over how to tackle both–did not dampen his take on the situation. On the contrary, the …

Obama and Signing Statements: Judging Candidates By Their Lies

When asked in 2008 at a campaign event whether he promised not to use signing statements, Obama said, simply, “Yes.” He followed up by describing the process of attaching a presidential interpretation to a bill at its signing into law as “not part of [the president’s] power.” Since becoming president, Obama has used signing statements on …

The Socialist Threat: Tax Day Edition

Happy Tax Day.

For those members of the Republic worrying that America is headed for socialism, here are some recent data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development showing relative tax burdens among …

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