Welcome to Health Care Decision Week 2012. Knowledgeable sources say the Supreme Court’s ruling will be coming out today or Thursday or Tuesday or Wednesday, so put on your best black robe and read the following pieces of perishable wisdom.
- Various stakeholders are poised and ready to freak out.
- The finger-pointing has already begun.
- If the law remains in tact, there will be other cases.
- Why the High Court is the last bastion of secrecy in Washington.
- Never forget: policy affects humans.
- That said, self-interest is not a powerful motivator of public opinion on health care.
- The good folks at SCOTUSblog start live-blogging around 9 a.m.: check ’em out.
Other reading:
- Mitt Romney and the junk bond king.
- On partisanship and presidential privilege.
- What’s up with Occupy?
- And Fox News Magazine is probably the only thing you need ever read from now on. Why are you still here?