- Just to review yesterday’s umbrageathon: Ann Romney went on TV to respond to something a CNN employee said about her and stay-at-home moms; the rest of Team Romney took to the lowest medium known to man, the campaign reporter conference call; some people made good points about women, others just yelled like Steve Carrell in Anchorman; Michelle Obama and Barbara Bush were called in; merchandise was manufactured; there was even outrage about the outrage and, lord help us, Twitter statistics. If you count the beginning of the general election from the date Rick Santorum dropped out, it was day 2.
- People in St. Louis are just worried about Obama’s vacation habits.
- Super PAC attack ads coming to an NPR station near you.
- Scott Brown may rue his third-party spending nonproliferation treaty.
- Sidewalk-shoveling, Tweet frenzied, Zuckerberg-wooing Newark Mayor Cory Booker saves his neighbor from a house fire.
- Kim Jong Un’s first launch was a dud, but North Korea’s space ambitions are still kinda scary.
- And two, count ’em two, profiles of Robert Caro: NYT Mag and Esquire.