- Tonight could be only Illinois’ second competitive primary in a century, even if the larger race is anything but.
- Paul Ryan, debuting his new budget today, introduces it with a WSJ op-ed.
- He will propose massive tax cuts.
- MSNBC accidentally puts a montage of Ryan images to a description of the Afghan massacre.
- Obama leads Romney in Virginia even with Bob McDonnell on the ticket.
- The Gingrich campaign: happy on the outside, despairy on the inside.
- Santorum picks up Axelrod’s playbook.
- Why Newt and Santorum need each other.
- Romney gains among the very conservative.
- The DOJ will investigate the shooting of an unarmed teenager in Florida.
- Santorum liked Juno, Knocked Up; his wife liked Scott Brown’s joke.
- And the GOP candidates Secret Service codenames revealed.