I was among those who heard a valedictory note in Hillary Clinton’s final moment of Thursday night’s debate. But it’s amazing to see the conventional wisdom stampede that has followed it. Take today’s Washington Post, which writes:
Some supporters said they had discussed how to raise with Clinton the subject of withdrawing from the race should she fail to win decisively on March 4. One option was to wait a day or two and then dispatch emissaries to former president Clinton to urge him to make the case.
And adds:
Some Democratic political sources said discussion has begun about encouraging Clinton to transition into a different party leadership role, one that could carry her on a path to becoming Senate majority leader.
Granted, it’s hard to find much that is positive for Clinton in the general direction of things. But if there’s anything the primary season thus far should have taught all of us, it is to expect the unexpected. With a week and a half left to go before Ohio and Texas, anything could happen. You can bet the Obama campaign understands that, as evidenced by this week’s visit by campaign manager David Plouffe to North Carolina–a state that doesn’t hold its primary until May 6.