Morning Must Reads: February 28

In the News: Ukrainian President Holds Press Conference in Russia, Clinton Library Releasing Documents, Obama partnering with more Tech Companies, and Yellen on Bitcoin

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  • Armed men take positions at two airports in Crimea [NYT]
  • Clinton library to release previously sealed records: “About 4,000 to 5,000 pages will be put online at 1 P.M. Friday, with paper copies becoming simultaneously available at the library in Little Rock, the spokeswoman said. More releases are expected in the next couple of weeks.” [Politico]

Ousted Ukrainian President Speaks at Press Conference in Russia [Associated Press]

  • “Conservative activists said Thursday that they will continue to press for additional legal protections for private businesses that deny service to gay men and lesbians, saying that a defeat in Arizona this week is only a minor setback and that religious-liberty legislation is the best way to stave off a rapid shift in favor of gay rights.” [Washington Post]
  • Software firms donate $400 million to Obama’s tech-education initiative [The Hill]
  • Joe Biden in Winter [Politico Magazine]
  • Rare Supreme Court outburst video Shows inside the High Court [NYT]
  • “Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said the central bank doesn’t have the authority to regulate bitcoin.“The Federal Reserve simply does not have authority to supervise or regulate bitcoin in any way,” Ms. Yellen said Thursday in testimony before the Senate Banking Committee. “This is a payment innovation that is taking place entirely outside the banking industry and to the best of my knowledge there is no intersection at all” between bitcoin and banks that the Fed can oversee.” [WSJ]
  • “Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is looking for senators who would allow her military sexual-assault bill to pass even if they don’t vote for it directly. The New York Democrat’s controversial bill—which would take away commanders’ power to decide which sexual-assault cases are prosecuted—has been granted a vote by leaders of both parties and could come to the floor as soon as next week. Gillibrand has 55 publicly declared supporters for her legislation, and if she could convince 60 members to vote yes on a procedural vote to take up her bill, it could pass with a simple majority using the votes she already has racked up.” [National Journal]
  • A Call to Arms on Vermont Heroin Epidemic [NYT]
  • ICYMI: Watch Obama and Biden jog around the White House for ‘Let’s Move’
