The early morning sun rises behind the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
- Clashes in Kiev kill dozens [NYT]
- ABC News reports that police are among the 26 killed in Kiev
- Chris Christie’s former aid refuses to comply with subpoena [USA Today]
- Homeland Security is seeking a national license plate tracking system [Washington Post]
- “A group of Senate Republicans is meeting quietly to plot an unusual strategy: passing a top Democratic priority. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has vowed to press the GOP on unemployment benefits — forcing them to keep taking votes on a bill to extend aid to the long-term unemployed. But Republicans have rejected it twice since the program expired on Dec. 28.” [Politico]
- How John Boehner spared Democrats their own civil war [National Journal]
- Gruesome sketches of torture inside North Korea Gulag [TIME]
- “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has been eyeing a 2016 presidential run since his battles with labor unions made him a Republican star, is in the midst of dealing with the fallout of two criminal investigations at home that could complicate his move to the national stage.” [Washington Post]
- CBO Report: Minimum wage increase would reduce poverty, but cost jobs [NYT]
- White House spins minimum wage report [Fox News]
- “Last week’s report about the declining abortion rate in the United States was potentially good news for everyone, especially, one would think, for right-to-life groups. Most of them, though, weren’t cheering. A statement from Americans United for Life called the report ‘an abortion industry propaganda piece short on data and long on strained conclusions.'” [New Yorker]
- Who are the real “thugs”? [Politico]
- 150 earthquakes rock Oklahoma: Is Fracking to Blame? [TIME]