The early morning sun rises behind the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
- Can Wendy Davis have it all? [NYT]
- “The Federal Reserve will keep winding down one of its highest-profile easy-money programs unless the economy takes a serious turn for the worse, Janet Yellen said in her inaugural public appearance since becoming the central bank’s first chairwoman.” [WSJ]
- “The House voted 221-201 to pass a clean debt ceiling hike for more than a year—and there are a few interesting trends hidden in the breakdown…” [Roll Call]
- Election modes hits Capitol [Hill]
- “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is trying to make the midterm elections all about women.” [Politico]
- “President Barack Obama will sign an executive order on Wednesday to raise the minimum wage for federal contract workers to $10.10 an hour starting next year…” [Reuters]
- Obama’s arbitrary health care flexibility [National Journal]
- “In a first of its kind case, federal prosecutors say a Mexican businessman funneled more than $500,000 into U.S. political races through Super PACs and various shell companies. The alleged financial scheme is the first known instance of a foreign national exploiting the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in order to influence U.S. elections.” [Foreign Policy]
- “Yearly mammography screenings for women ages 40 to 59 do not reduce breast cancer deaths, even though they make a diagnosis of illness more likely, according to a long-term study of nearly 90,000 Canadian women.” [L.A. Times]
- Are there words you can’t say on the House floor? [National Journal]