The early morning sun rises behind the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
- White House Returns to Obamacare Sales Mode [Politico]
- “At the ballot box, President Obama has dominated the youth vote like no other candidate of his generation. Now, as he tries to shepherd his health-care law through a rocky rollout and make it work in the long run, Obama is as reliant as ever on the young. But this time, success is far less certain.” [Washington Post]
- Biden Faces a Delicate Two-Step in Asia [NYT]
- “From the long-distance perspective of an American, Asia looks like one of the world’s most peaceful places. And it is — for the moment. But when Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Tokyo on Monday, he stepped into what has suddenly become a dangerous diplomatic crisis between China and Japan. On the surface, it’s a dull dispute over a string of uninhabited Pacific islands. Underneath, as I realized on a recent visit to China, it’s a story reaching back some 75 years that involves war, brutality, rape and historical reckoning. And now threatens to drag in the U.S.” [TIME]
- Senate to Hold Hearing to Discuss Amazon Package Delivery Drones [Fox News]
- Winning the Gay Marriage Fight in Hawaii: “One of the lawyers who worked on the Hawaii case was Evan Wolfson. For the past twenty-five years, Wolfson, the founder and president of the nonprofit group Freedom to Marry, has been at the center of this rapidly growing political and social movement. [The New Yorker]
- U.S. Teens Lag in Global Education Rankings as Asian Countries Rise to the Top [USA Today]