President Barack Obama speaks about the Affordable Care Act at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, Calif., on June 6, 2013
The Obama administration hasn’t just embraced social media — they’re in the middle of giving it a big, long bear hug. The president’s outreach team took to Facebook and Twitter to fight (and win) their election battle in 2012, and they’ve returned to that turf this week, asking influential supporters to promote Obamacare using the hashtag #GetCovered.
The exchanges set up under the law — marketplaces where the uninsured or employers go to buy coverage — opened Tuesday, and it makes sense that Obama’s people would promote them regardless of D.C.’s infighting. But given that the Affordable Care Act is the rope in current budget tug-of-war, the social media blitz promoting the law takes on more importance. With conservatives railing against the law and 40 percebnt of Americans supporting its defunding, this is a chance for the administration to demonstrate that influential (or at least well-known) people are tugging on their side.
Reaching young people who might follow these celebrities is especially important to making the law work, as premiums from healthier young consumers are needed to help off-set the higher healthcare costs for older consumers.
According to social media analytics site Brandwatch, there have been about 47,000 mentions of the hashtag on Twitter since yesterday. Here’s a sample of tweets from people and organizations who have responded to Obama’s call:
F the shutdown. The Health Insurance Marketplace is now open in every state. Don’t wait another day to #GetCovered!
— John Legend (@johnlegend) October 1, 2013
If you want to make sense of the whole healthcare thing, or just want to #GetCovered, check out #KnowYourOptions
If you want to make sense of the whole healthcare thing, or just want to #GetCovered, check out #KnowYourOptions
— Pearl Jam (@PearlJam) October 1, 2013
See all your health insurance options –All in one place, all explained simply. @HealthCareGov #GetCovered
— Lance Bass (@LanceBass) October 1, 2013
These #ACA relief stories are amazing! Keep em coming. Let’s spread truth, not lies & misinformation. I’ll RT. #GetCovered@WhiteHouse
— Martha Plimpton (@MarthaPlimpton) October 1, 2013
Missed our live chat on #ACA insurance Marketplaces & open enrollment? Get the transcript here. #getcovered
— WebMD (@WebMD) October 1, 2013
#getcovered “@votolatino: 5 Reasons why Americans “already love Obamacare”.”
— Rosario Dawson (@rosariodawson) October 2, 2013
What plan should you choose? Watch this helpful 2 minute video for what women should consider when you #getcovered:
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) October 1, 2013