New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed suit Saturday against “Trump University,” the professional development program bearing the New York real estate mogul Donald Trump’s name, seeking $40 million in damages for alleged fraud.
Trump, who for years raised questions about the birth status of President Barack Obama—even after the president released his birth certificate—characteristically suggested that Obama had ordered the prosecution when he met Schneiderman in New York last week as part of his bus tour on college affordability.
“More than 5,000 people across the country who paid Donald Trump $40 million to teach them his hard sell tactics got a hard lesson in bait-and-switch,” said Schneiderman in a statement. “Mr. Trump used his celebrity status and personally appeared in commercials making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got. No one, no matter how rich or popular they are, has a right to scam hard working New Yorkers. Anyone who does should expect to be held accountable.”
On CNN’s New Day Monday, the pair faced off in dueling interviews, with Schneiderman rejecting the notion that he was doing anything but looking out for consumers and Trump looping Obama into the fight.
Schneiderman went first:
Trump responded:
In addition to an education program, golf courses, hotels and buildings, the Trump brand has been licensed to bottled water, chocolate, men’s clothing, household crystal, bath towels and steaks.