- Two guides to Super Tuesday: delegate scenarios and a comprehensive fact sheet.
- Obama counterprograms with a press conference.
- Though more sympathetic in context, Ann is Romneying too: “We can be poor in spirit, and I don’t even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing, it can be here today and gone tomorrow.”
- Barbara Bush calls the GOP primary the “worst campaign I’ve ever seen.”
- It’s helping Obama with his own base.
- Latinos favor the President six-to-one.
- Democrats see need of a second act for Warren in Massachusetts.
- Recall wars in Wisconsin may suck $60 million away from national races in 2012.
- Bibi at AIPAC.
- Eric Holder argues the legality of killing citizens without judicial review.
- Electronic records may actually exacerbate health spending.
- And aboard the ladies for Santorum bus tour.