Left: President Obama attends a DNC Rally at Cleveland State University in Ohio, October 31, 2010. (REUTERS/Larry Downing). Right: House Minority Leader Boehner arrives at a rally for Jim Renacci on October 30, 2010 in Canton, Ohio (Matt Sullivan/Getty Images).
–Nate Silver chews over five reasons the Republican wave could be even bigger than expected.
–The last round of polling is not pretty for Dems. Gallup is either an outlier, or the wave will be a tsunami. A Democratic pollster offers this gem: “I’m resigned to the fact that it sucks.”
–Expecting the third cycle of upheaval in a row, the Wall Street Journal weighs volatility.
–Desert sage Jon Ralston predicts Harry Reid will win. For what it’s worth, his predictions in January have largely borne out.
–The White House prepares to deal on the Bush tax cuts, reportedly working on a temporary extension of the top tier breaks and a permanent extension of everything else.
–The powers that be conspire against Palin 2012.
–Romney is the workhorse of the field, writes Dan Balz.
–Republican outside groups look ahead.
–Neil Irwin writes that a new round of quantitative easing is not without its risks.
–And a Bush-Cheney sign pops up in Connecticut.
What did I miss?