Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell reacts to supporters during her primary night party, on September 14, 2010 in Dover, Delaware. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
—Karl Rove and the whole GOP establishment cede Delaware.
–O’Donnell doesn’t sound too interested in detente.
–Castle won’t endorse her.
–Halperin says she’s the canary in the coal mine.
–Matt Yglesias forgoes schadenfreude, pines for moderates.
–Ben Smith writes New York’s primary outcomes will have Andrew Cuomo looking over both shoulders. He also notes a broader trend in attorneys general trying to move up the ladder: “He’s widely but shallowly popular, and without a clear, passionate base of support.” See also: Coakley, Martha and, based on the narrowing polls, Blumenthal, Dick.
–The New Hampshire GOP Senate primary remains too close too call.
–With Harry Reid and Sharron Angle’s horns locked within the margin of error, Jon Ralston parses the latest numbers. Angle will try her hand at driving the immigration wedge:
–Joshua Tucker has some thoughtful ruminations on the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans.
–Seyward Darby considers how Mayor Adrien Fenty’s primary loss may affect the reform-minded D.C. school system.
–The Washington Post‘s autopsy of the Fenty campaign is a fascinating, if not astonishing, read:
He refused to pay for pollsters to measure the public mood, for example, or hire researchers to dig up dirt on Gray. Instead, the mayor appeared to run as an insurgent and relied on what had delivered him to the apex four years earlier: door-to-door campaigning and that internal compass that no longer seemed to work.
–Chris Dodd says the Senate probably won’t have “any appetite” to deal with the confirmations of Obama’s Fed nominees any time soon. Three of the seven seats on the board of governors are gathering cobwebs.
–Felix Salmon weighs the weaknesses of those new international banking rules out of Basel III. (He’s still a fan.)
–For having no serious challenger, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s first ad is mighty defensive:
–And the new voting machines in New York get under Chuck Schumer’s skin.
What did I miss?