–The president will tap long-time economic adviser Austan Goolsbee to head the CEA. The pick augurs continuity with the approach of the past two years and Goolsbee, like the departing Christina Romer, is seen as somewhat of a counterweight to Larry Summers among the White House’s economic voices. Goolsbee, who has been advising Obama since before his Senate days, is already a member of the CEA, meaning his ascent to the chair won’t require Senate confirmation, a welcome reprieve for the White House. Ben Smith recounts his rise (and humor), Bruce Bartlett sounds a cryptic warning.
–Gallup polls on the Bush tax cuts, finds a plurality want the top-tier cuts to expire and everything else extended. That’s in line with the White House.
–Ohio moderate George Voinovich says he’ll break with his fellow Senate Republicans to support the Dems’ small biz bill.
–Tom Barrett, running for governor in Wisconsin, cuts a TV ad retelling the story of the assault against him last year:
–As Mark notes, A federal judge has ruled “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” unconstitutional. Government lawyers are arguing that the judge lacks authority to outlaw the military gay ban nationwide, but it’s worth pondering how hard an administration that’s opposed to the policy in the first will fight to keep it.
–Nevada’s Senate race devolves into a debate about debates. The essential Jon Ralston imagines his own.
–Jesse Jackson Jr. sounds like he’s running for mayor of Chicago, but says he’s made no decision yet.
–And Dave Weigel illustrates what a winning campaign looks like.
What did I miss?