The Fox News playbook calls for the promotion and evisceration of its critics. If the White House bad mouths the network, Glenn Beck adds a red phone to his set so its staff can call in. If LL Cool J objects to Sarah Palin rehashing an old interview of him for her show, a Fox spokesperson wishes Cool J “the best with his fledgling acting career,” while bemoaning his lack of interest in inspiring others. It’s hard to imagine what Bill O’Reilly would talk about if not for all the liberals and elites who regularly point out his network’s failings.
So what is Fox News going to do with Tom Coburn, that upstanding conservative poster-senator from Oklahoma. Capitol News Connection has acquired audio of a recent Town Hall Coburn held in Oklahoma, in which the Senator, who is well-respected on both sides of the aisle, did not hide his disdain for the conservative info-tainment industry. After a woman said she did not want to go to jail for refusing health care, Coburn told her she was misinformed. “The intention is not to put any one in jail. That makes for good TV news on FOX but that isn’t the intention,” Coburn responded.
“What we have to have is make sure we have a debate in this country so that you can see what’s going on and make a determination yourself,” Coburn added and then again warned the crowd against the myths perpetrated on FOX News.
“So don’t catch yourself being biased by FOX News that somebody is no good. The people in Washington are good. They just don’t know what they don’t know,” Coburn said.
Coburn even said that Nancy Pelosi is a “nice person.” Like Jonathan Martin, I look forward to the Fox News response. Has Coburn been co-opted by the Socialists? Too much French food? Or, more likely, not a peep. . .