Carly Fiorina Releases Rare Psychedelic Attack Ad

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The best way to view California Senate Candidate Carly Fiorina’s awesomely bizarre new primary campaign ad–which includes shots of an alien robot sheep, or something–is by pressing play on your cassette tape of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon just as you click play on YouTube.


The coolest part of the whole thing is that Fiorina is positing fiscal conservatives as sheep, which is a bit like Barack Obama running a spot that posits liberals as leeches or lizards. Also, is it weird that the ad never shows Fiorina’s face? Is it better that voters know their candidates by the backs of their heads? More please, more.

ALSO: I must state the obvious: The odd genius of the ad is that it is so weird that you will click on it online, and bloggers like me will link to it. The message is delivered.