I know I’m a bit dim, but it sounds to me like the President confirmed my story about his church preference in a conversation today with a group of Catholic reporters.
We have attended services at Camp David every weekend that we’re there. I will tell you, by the way, that it is a wonderful little congregation; the members of Camp David who are up there consistently have their families there, they’ve got a Sunday school. The young chaplain there, Chaplain Cash, is terrific–as good of a–delivers as powerful a sermon as I’ve heard in a while. I really think he’s excellent.
So we will continue to go to services there. How we handle church when we’re here in D.C. is something that we’re still figuring out. And I think that in the second half of the year we will have made a decision. We may choose, rather than to join just one church, to rotate and attend a number of different churches.
So, the plan is for the First Family to continue going to services at Camp David and to figure out what to do on weekends they spend in D.C., although they’re leaning toward not joining a local church but instead visiting a handful of different churches. They haven’t yet arrived at a “formal” decision, the White House has been careful to note. But since Obama also spoke at length about the challenges involved with becoming regular members at a local church, it doesn’t sound as if that’s an option he’s eager to pursue right now. “We are resigned now to the fact that we change the atmospherics wherever we go,” he said. “It may be more sensible for us to get in and out on any given Sunday and not try to create blockades around places where we attend.”
And where can you get in and out on any given Sunday? The chapel at Camp David. Just sayin’.