In the Arena

Political Notes

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Some strange developments today:

On the Republican side, Mitt Romney’s transparently hilarious campaign continues. When he lost Iowa, he arrived in New Hampshire aping the Iowa Democratic winner’s–Obama’s–message: change. Now he arrives in Michigan, aping the New Hampshire Democratic winner’s–Clinton’s– message:

“We’re going to make sure this state gets on the move again,” Mr. Romney said. “I care about Michigan. For me, it’s personal. It’s personal for me because it’s where I was born and raised.”

Can near-tears be far behind?

On the Democratic side, Barack Obama got a valuable endorsement from the Culinary Workers Union, but he’s also getting kiss-of-death endorsements from former wine-track Democratic candidates, Bill Bradley and now, John Kerry. The endorsement Obama really needs is John Edwards, whose continued presence in the race is preventing a true referendum between the likely nominees: Would Edwards’ 20% or so go to the “change” candidate Obama…or to the beer-track candidate, Clinton? I’m not saying Edwards should leave the race–that’s obviously up to him–but it would be interesting to know who his supporters’ second choice is.

Actually, as reader Florida points out below, Obama got a crucial endorsement today–Karl Rove obviously thinks he’d be toughest Democrat to beat.