General Election

Obama’s Plan

Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe spent a little over an hour briefing the Washington press corps at the DNC today. In a tone that could only be described as confident, Plouffe laid out their General Election strategy in a power point slide show. Here’s a brief summary:

1) Hold the states that Kerry won in 2004, which accounted …


My story out today on Obama’s swing to the middle as the General Election starts. My sense is it’s probably best to get through much of this stuff now during the summer lull and still months away from November for both candidates.

Obama v. McCain

Obama this morning held a press conference with reporters in Los Angeles where he made it clear that he believes that the increasingly likely candidacy of Senator John McCain in the GOP race will help Obama win the Democratic contest. Obama made his case on two fronts. First, that his early opposition to the war in Iraq is much more …