President Bush: A New Low

Between the battle over Iraq policy that is beginning on the Senate floor and the confrontation over executive privilege that appears headed toward the courts, there has never been a moment in his presidency when George Bush so badly needed public confidence and goodwill. Instead, along comes the new USA Today/Gallup poll, showing his …

Justice for Just Us

Slate’s Dickerson with a smart, irritated, funny piece on Scooter Libby:

A lot has been written about how the Libby commutation undermines the rule of law, which Republicans are supposed to care about. The White House ducks this criticism. That’s bad enough, but to be expected. What’s deeply galling is simultaneously trying to portray

Re: The Facebook Thing

Ana: You missed one additional reason that older people have Facebook pages. Some of us–I’ll cop to it–are there trying to find out what’s on our kids’ pages. At least, that was my initial reason. But then I found out that I would have to actually impersonate a high schooler to infilitrate his group, and–well, that was just too …

Re: Only Fred Could Go to Nixon

The AP dug into the relationship between Fred (for some reason now called “Fred!” by the wingnutsphere) and Nixon (or, as I like to call him, N!x@n).

Nixon was disappointed with the selection of Thompson, whom he called “dumb as hell.” The president did not think Thompson was skilled enough to interrogate unfriendly witnesses and would

The Facebook Thing

A light post to get us started this morning: Over the weekend, I taped a short, light segment about Facebook with Howie Kurtz and Jeff Jarvis for “Reliable Sources.” Kurtz had written a piece about Facebook and, as inevitably happens when an MSMer writes about what the kids are up to, the topic burgeoned from a topic to, well, a thing. …

In the Arena In the Arena

Defensive Democrats

The annual appropriations bill for the Defense Department will be center stage this week and prominent Democrats are getting ready to strut their stuff. It should be noted that this bill doesn’t fund the war in Iraq–that’s done separately, through a supplemental appropriation, an outrageous bit of Bush budget flim-flam designed to hide …

Fred Thompson: About those lobbying clients…

The Los Angeles Times’ Michael Finnegan reports this on the paper’s website:

Former Tennessee Sen. Fred D. Thompson, who is campaigning for president as a “pro-life” Republican, accepted a lobbying assignment from a family-planning group to persuade the first Bush White House to ease a controversial abortion restriction, according to a

Trade: Not Actually as Hard as You’d Think!

My fiendish plan worked! Justin has stepped in to explain a bit about the Dems and trade policy:

In general, I don’t think the Dem candidates are really all that anti-trade. I certainly haven’t heard them talk about rolling back existing trade agreements or picking Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown as a running mate (although I’ll admit, I

Impeachment Fever: America’s Got It!

Good thing Cheney’s not a member of the executive branch, he’d be almost out of job… Oh, wait

* 45% favor “the US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush;” 46% oppose.

* 54% favor “US House of Representatives beginning impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick

Trade Is Hard

Did you know there was another Democratic forum yesterday? It’s true. I completely spaced on it but I’m trying not to feel too bad, as they do happen every other day or so. What I feel a little guilty about is that I’m glad I missed it, because it focused primarily on trade and, as everyone knows, math is hard. According to our colleague …

Domenici Turns Against the War

Another Republican Senator who has staunchly supported the Iraq war turns against it. Democratic leaders rightly question whether New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici’s votes will match his talk, and given what the next few weeks are going to look like on the Senate floor, we will soon know. It’s also true that he–like most of the other …

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