Morning Must Reads: Unusual

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  • European leaders strike a deal to write down a third of Greece’s debt, swell the bailout fund and recapitalize the continent’s banks.
  • The U.S. economy grew at an improved 2.5% annual rate from July to September. (As Jim Pethokoukis points out, at this point in Reagan’s first term, it was humming along at 8.1%)
  • The CBO on income inequality. Jon Chait reviews Paul Ryan’s speech on the matter.
  • Democratic messaging (or just Republican policy preference) is breaking through: 69% think Republicans in Congress favor the rich, 9% say the middle class, 2% say the poor.
  • Democrats and Republicans on the deficit supercommittee trade actual plans.
  • Cain runs his campaign like a corporation, doesn’t like staffers to speak unless spoken to, and generally presides over disarray.
  • He’s an incredibly unusual candidate.
  • Perry may skip debates.
  • Occupy Oakland turns ugly.
  • And Paul Krugman celebrates halloween.