Hillary Clinton and the U.N. (Then and Now)

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More from Clinton’s CNN interview today, on the question of a no-fly zone over Libya:

“We don’t want any ambiguity,” she said. “Only the Security Council can authorize action, and if they do authorize action, there needs to be a true international response, including Arab leadership and partnership.”

And here she was in February of 2008, as a presidential candidate, defending her vote against Democratic Senator Carl Levin’s amendment to the Senate’s 2002 Iraq war resolution:

“I have the greatest respect for my friend and colleague, Senator Levin,” she said. “The way that amendment was drafted suggested that the United States would subordinate whatever our judgment might be going forward to the United Nations Security Council. I don’t think that was a good precedent. Therefore, I voted against it.”

It seems that Clinton’s thinking has evolved, or she’s playing the good soldier for her president–or maybe a little of both.