Morning Must Reads: Limit

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Union supporters rally at the doors of the state capitol in Columbus, Ohio on February 22. (REUTERS/Michael Munden)

–Libya laughs at Gaddafi, but Robert Baer worries he could sow chaos.

–Governor Walker calls senate Democrats back to Wisconsin as assembly Democrats filibuster. Collective bargaining aside, his plan isn’t about near-term shortfalls. Nate Silver combs the polls. Why unions are in decline.

–Rahm Emanuel flattens the field in Chicago. There won’t be a runoff and he’ll be the next mayor. The Sun-Times lists the litany of problems that await him.

–A fifth U.S. district judge rules on health reform. The tally is now 3-2 in favor of the law’s constitutionality along partisan lines by appointment. Ilya Somin, a skeptic, critiques the decision.

–Senate Democrats and their allies build a “Super PAC” that can collect unlimited donations.

–Max Baucus and the Senate Finance Committee get the ball rolling on a year of tax reform hearings.

–The first two sentences of a Government Accountability Office report on the debt ceiling: “The debt limit does not control or limit the ability of the federal government to run deficits or incur obligations. Rather, it is a limit on the ability to pay obligations already incurred.” Pete Davis has a telling anecdote.

–And President Obama will wave to you, but he doesn’t have to like it.

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