Morning Must Reads: GE

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REUTERS/Larry Downing

–With Paul Volcker stepping aside and the overtures to big business hitting full-woo, Obama retools to his recovery advisory panel as the “Council on Jobs and Competitiveness” with GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt at its head. Obama will head to Schenectady, New York (home of GE headquarters) today for the roll-out.

–The ambitious budget cuts recommended by the conservative House Republican Study Committee may put the leadership in an interesting bind.

–David Leonhardt chews over schizophrenic deficit polling.

–The Obama re-elect machinery takes shape.

–Conflicting a bit with my post yesterday, Mike Huckabee’s book tour will take him to 11 stops in Iowa and South Carolina.

Mitt Romney is not chatting up local Tea Party groups.

Tim Pawlenty is not selling too many books.

Newt Gingrich is having flashbacks to his days in the trenches during the Clinton era.

Rahm Emanuel is cruising toward Chicago city hall.

–And the most e-mailed New York Times story ever.

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