Morning Must Reads: Outside

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–Last night’s Senate debate in Kentucky was a much more staid affair than the last go-around, but things got nasty between supporters outside:


–The final Florida gubernatorial debate got overshadowed by foul play.

–Sharron Angle’s closing ad features unambiguous references to the southern border, waves of tattooed gangsters and the president of Mexico:


–A Reid aide gets fired for an alleged green card marriage.

–The Crossroads GPS juggernaut lumbers into some House districts.

–The Sierra Club is the latest outside group to join the air fray in VA-05’s marquee House race:


–Daniel Indiviglio has a useful update on the state of Obama’s Home Affordable Modification Program. What jumps out:

…the Obama administration initially announced that the program would help between 7 and 9 million borrowers. Even assuming the low end of that range, the program is only 6.7% of the way there more than 18 months later. Its current course implies that it won’t come close.

–The Special Inspector General TARP report finds a “significant failure” in transparency on the part of Treasury, specifically regarding AIG losses.

–The Weekly Standard’s Andrew Ferguson pans Dinesh D’Souza.

–David Brooks chuckles at Democratic self-delusion.

–And our friends at put together a list of the most viral campaign ads of the cycle.

What did I miss?

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