In the Arena

In the Bubble, Hermetically Sealed

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Drudge is currently featuring this video of the President speaking in Ohio yesterday as his lead item, under the headline: The Panic of 2010. I don’t get it. I don’t see any panic there. Just a pretty good bit of campaign rhetoric. I mean, does Drudge actually think that Obama is panicking here? Or does he–or Breitbart, or whoever is running the show there–think that this will help convince his legion of readers, and my colleagues, that Obama is panicking? Or is he just locked into the Republican propaganda bubble, which has been working overtime this year…to rather bizarre effect. I mean, if the G.O.P. doesn’t take both houses of Congress–and no fewer than 75 additional seats in the House–it’ll be a letdown, right? I mean, given all the panic the President is flashing, anything less than a 20 seat majority in the House would constitute a defeat, right?