Re: That Palin Debate

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Yes, Ana, it’s true. I did spend my Sunday night watching that old Palin gubernatorial debate on C-Span, along with a number of our commenters. And it was impressive. We saw last week that she knows how to wrestle with a TelePrompTer and a prepared text, but Sarah Palin is also very good on her feet.

That’s why Joe Biden should be wary, especially since she will have expectations very much in her favor. At Slate today, Dahlia Lithwick has some advice for the Senior Senator from Delaware. The first thing: Don’t be Joe Biden. The second: Forget Palin’s a woman. Or as Lithwick explains:

There is no easy way to tell you this, Joe Biden, but the surest way for Joe Biden to lose a debate against Sarah Palin is by being Joe Biden. If you are windy, pompous, unctuous, or pushy, you will come across as patronizing and condescending—the guy who puts the “boy” into “old boys’ network.” If you flirt and smirk and flatter (Did you truly tell an Ohio crowd you thought Palin was “good-looking”? Did you really introduce us to your wife, Jill, by leering that she is “drop-dead gorgeous”?), you’re going to sound like the creepy guy in the trench coat at the back of the porn theater. If you can manage to be your warm, amiable self, even if you’re going bat[guano] on the inside, you will do fine.

And that’s why the best way for you to approach Sarah Palin will be to forget that she is a woman. Tell yourself that she is a machine in 3-inch heels that has been programmed to make you look brutish and aggressive. She will attack, and you will smile. She will make jokes, and you will laugh. Do whatever you need to do—take four Percocet, deploy Zen breathing techniques—to prevent yourself from attacking this woman. And do just as much not to pay attention to her. Even if she pulls out her breast pump during commercials, keep your eyes glazed over on the middle distance. No compliments. Don’t say you like her shoes. Just the facts, Joe.