Re: I Wonder… (UPDATE!)

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KT, with all due respect to the fact that Sally Quinn (and other pundit types) SHOULD ask those questions of a male candidate, don’t you think it’s hard to find much precedent that many people have? Except, of course, for Jay.

As I’ve been saying lately, if you don’t want to vote for Sarah Palin, I should think you can find lots of, like, substantive reasons not to vote for her — policy, experience, possible secessionist nuttiness (I totally thought Jim Webb would have been the one who brought that to a ticket!) — let’s leave everyone’s ovaries out of it.

However: I made that point to the charming Roland Martin last night, adding, “That’s why I’m a Democrat — I don’t think a woman’s pregnancy is anyone else’s business.” And he responded, “And that attitude [of wanting everyone to play by our rules] is why we Democrats lose.”

UPDATE: I guess I should be more clear: Martin wasn’t saying Dems lose because we’re pro-choice, but because we sometimes want to let our own principles guide how we react to those of others. His follow-up point was: “Republicans play to win, and we Democrats let them.”

UPDATE: From Roland, obviously important — very sorry I got this wrong; in my defense: It was very, very loud:

I never said “we” lose. I said “you” lose and i later said “Democrats” lose.

I have never called myself a Dem. I’ve voted for Dems and Republicans, especially for the White House.
