Also? Sexism

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I like the logic of this bold experiment in revisionist history from HRC flack Howard Wolfson:

Sen. Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic presidential nominee if John Edwards had been caught in his lie about an extramarital affair and forced out of the race last year…

“I believe we would have won Iowa, and Clinton today would therefore have been the nominee,” former Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson told

Yeah, because people who gave up on John Edwards would surely not want to put another adulterer in the White House.

Oh, wait…

Those of you really hungry to rehash just how self-involved and deluded the HRC campaign was can look to Mike Allen’s summation of an upcoming Atlantic piece, “The Front-Runner’s Fall.” Based on emails and memos leaked from the Clinton campaign, it is a grim piece of work — and, in its own way, another reminder of the human frailties politicians must overcome (or cover up) if they want to win.