McCain’s “Obvious Discomfort”

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Planned Parenthood’s PAC hits McCain with his own lack of words:

Reading coverage of this ad, I found some pundit explaining that McCain is uncomfortable talking about issues such as birth control because he’d rather talk about “big-boy issues” like war and peace. This is pretty much the argument you get from his own campaign: Okay, okay, so you don’t agree with him about abortion. ISLAMICTERRORISTSISLAMICTERRORISTSISLAMICTERRORISTS! Even Carly Fiorina — whose off-the-cuff comments made this a topical issue for McCain — once told me, “Many women don’t have the luxury of voting on one issue, like you do, on abortion.” But at least she was talking about women being disproportionately hit in bad economic times, which shows some sensitivity to women’s issues as a whole. Though it’s still a head fake, because being poor makes it harder to get birth control, and therefore more likely have to make a decision about abortion. I worry that McCain — and his staff — don’t understand the fundamental link between women having control over their own bodies and almost every social advance of modern times. Most McCain staffers dismiss I guess what we have to call “little girl issues” because, you know, there’s a war on. Which of course doesn’t affect women — or have unexpected ramifications for reproductive rights — at all.