Pelosi Warns of “Spill Over”

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A very interesting e-mail appeal from Nancy Pelosi for money.

Dear Friend,

Here’s what you and I can’t let happen. We can’t allow the tension and pressures of a spirited Presidential contest to spill over and harm hard-working Democratic candidates running to strengthen our Democratic majority in the House.

I will do whatever it takes to protect our candidates and make sure their campaigns to drive change forward don’t skip a beat. I need you to do the same. Please support our candidates now with a donation to the DCCC before the critical March 31st deadline hits by going to .

Throughout the Presidential nominating process, I have been so proud to watch Democrats turn out in record numbers and demonstrate enormous grassroots energy. And soon we will have an exciting presidential nominee who will make our entire party proud.

She or he will lead our energized and united Democratic Party in the larger fight against John McCain, and his plan for 100 more years of war in Iraq. Now is the time to capitalize on the excitement that is sweeping the nation to ensure that our next President has a strong Democratic majority in the House to work with as we undo the damage from President Bush’s failed economic policies.

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives

As Real Clear Politics’ Reid Wilson noted today, so far congressional campaign organizations aren’t suffering for money, though the state parties certainly are. But what’s striking Pelosi’s appeal is it gives voice to a down ticket worry for Democrats if this presidential race drags on. It’s one step away from calling for an end to the race before it starts to seriously harm the party.