In the Arena

Kitchen Sink or Toilet Bowl?

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A confession: I’d have no problem with either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama answering the crisis phone at 3 am, even though neither of them have any real experience in life-and-death crises. Both have faced stiff tests of judgment and gumption during this campaign, and both have passed. I don’t think either one of them is going to get crazy on us if elected President.

I also have some residual respect for Amb Joseph Wilson, who told the truth about Niger and yellowcake uranium. But this is garbage. Especially this:

Claims of superior intuitive judgment by his campaign and by him are self-evidently disingenuous, especially in light of disclosures about his long associations with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Tony Rezko.

Clinton’s slim hopes of winning the nomination are not helped by this. They are hurt. In fact, let me amend what I said in the first paragraph: If her campaign persists in peddling this sort of kamikaze stuff–and make no mistake, this sort of op-ed is usually vetted by the campaign–her judgment should be called into question.