Hillary Clinton and Experience: How Much Did She Do?

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Hillary Clinton has put her experience–35 years of it, as she tells us over and over–front and center in her presidential campaign. But it’s not always easy to tell precisely what that means, especially given that many of the chief accomplishments that she claims came in her role as First Lady, a job that can carries no portfolio.

In the dead-tree TIME that comes out tomorrow, Michael Duffy, Massimo Calabresi and I sorted out her specific role in three of the achievements that Clinton claims most often from her White House years–starting a children’s health care program, helping to bring peace to Northern Ireland, and negotiating open borders from Kosovo during the Macedonian refugee crisis.

UPDATE: In an interview with NPR broadcast this morning (you can hear the audio here), Clinton complained of “nitpicking” regarding her record, and says of her foreign policy role: “I wasn’t sitting at the negotiating table, but the role I played was instrumental.”