Afternoon Linkaround: New Ad, New Line of Attack, New Economy

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• “If speeches could create jobs, we wouldn’t be facing a recession. But it takes more.” [Politico]

• “Olbermann: In defense of Sen. Obama and also in context, can you name one accomplishment of the US Senate in the last seven years? Matthews: That’s a broader question requiring a larger preparation. Olbermann: Yeah, you don’t have an answer to that one either. ” [C&L]

• “He says that he showed up at a homeless shelter in Charleston, South Carolina with $25 plus the clothes he was wearing, and set himself the following goal: have a car, a furnished apartment and $2,500 in savings within one year without using either his credentials or connections. ” [Daily Dish]

• “I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there’s evidence.” [MM]