The GOP Field in Mid-Campaign Review

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Mitt Romney: He would not be a contender without being much richer than everyone else.

Rudy Giuliani: He would not be a contender without having led New York in the weeks after September 11, 2001, a fact that still defines him six years later.

John McCain: He would not be a contender without having forgiven George W. Bush after the 2000 election and stood by him in 2004.

Mike Huckabee: He would not be a contender without having spent more than a decade learning how to move a crowd to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Fred Thompson: He would not be a contender without having played one in the movies.

Ron Paul: He is not a contender. But he could have done something more with the phenomenal outpouring of money and support his ideas attracted. He could have tried to create a lasting political movement. Instead, he is spending huge amounts of money on television spots and direct mail for single-digit primary finishes.