Hillary and Barack: The Latest Round

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They’re at it again.

Hillary Clinton has fired back at Barack Obama over his contention that living overseas as a child gave him foreign policy experience that is better than hers. In a speech today, Clinton jabbed:

“Now voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next President will face. I think we need a President with more experience than that.” 

To which Obama spokesman Bill Burton has replied:

“Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld have spent time in the White House and travelled to many countries as well, but along with Hillary Clinton they led us into the worst foreign policy disaster in a generation and are now giving George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran. The real choice in this election is between conventional Washington thinking that prizes posture and positioning, or real change that puts judgment and honesty first,”

Does someone need a nap?


The Edwards campaign jumps in with this:


Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Today, John Edwards for President communications director Chris Kofinis released the following statement on the definition of mudslinging:

“mudslinging |mÉ™d sli ng i ng | (also mud-slinging)noun informal the use of insults and accusations, esp. unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent. As in: Hillary Clinton said about Barack Obama, ‘Now voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next president will face.’

“Now we know what Senator Clinton meant when she talked about ‘throwing mud’ in the last debate. Like so many other things, when it comes to mud, Hillary Clinton says one thing and throws another.”